First check the filters; they are very essential to the overall health of your AC system. Changing the filters is a great start even when your air conditioner is working well. Then make sure to keep the air conditioning coils clean. This will help your system run at a lower temperature, use less amperage and your compressor will operate with more efficiency. Keep the compressor casement clean and free of debris. Make sure any plants or shrubs are trimmed away from the casement and wash all dirt off of it. When the compressor casement is grimy, it places unnecessary strain on the compressor. Examine the ducts periodically. These can get dirty and also clog up over a period of time. In the off season, make use of an air conditioner cover. This will help keep it clean when not in use.
Its very similar to car maintenance. If you do not get your car tuned up and your oil replaced periodically, you will wind up with a car that doesnt drive optimally. You also set yourself up for extremely costly repairs or replacements. Much like getting an oil change yearly, maintenance is also a reasonably inexpensive thing to do. You should anticipate that whoever you hire will certainly charge less than $100 for a routine maintenance appointment. So how frequently do I need to get my air conditioner serviced? Heres the really great news. Thanks to energy efficiency and modern advancements, your air conditioner doesnt need more than one service call per year.
In order to guarantee longer life for your air conditioner system, it is extremely essential you get the system serviced regularly Phoenix Arizona Air Conditioner Repairs . Why? When your system is maintained correctly, you can always count on it when you need it most throughout the summer time. Regular maintenance can also increase the life of your system. This saves you from a pricey replacement later down the road.
As you can see, there is quite a lot involved in making sure that your air conditioner is safe and running at peak performance. Your time alone ought to be valuable enough that it is worth the maintenance call, however, if you still need more convincing, consider that maintenance can also save you cash on replacements, and plain old regular usage. An air conditioner that is not well maintained can cost you every single month as your system will have to work harder than usual to cool your house. Not only that, but repairs and replacements are a lot more costly than maintenance.
There are more reasons for regular servicing and maintenance of your air conditioner that goes beyond ecological concerns. It is found by efficiency experts that air cooling systems that are not regularly maintained or not serviced, utilize more electricity than the systems that are maintained routinely. This leads to a greater negative impact on the environment and your power costs are higher.